Inner-ramblings-turned-outer-writings of a girl trying to hit 50k in 30 days
Daily word count: 1,127 / 1,667 [so far]
Total word count: 19,604 / 50,000
Lunch of choice: roasted sweet potato, broccoli, red onion, cashew nuts, on a bed of spinach + boiled egg + early harvest olive oil
Wellness of choice: dusk-time walk
Dear Diary
a little insight, for those who enjoy reading about other’s life experiences and perspectives
Even though it’s only Wednesday, life since Friday has been packed. I feel like I’ve lived a month in the last 6 days. Chef and I went to a delicious Sunday brunch, mere days ago, but the memory of it has been mis-archived as ‘weeks ago’. For a lot of the ongoings, I feel very lucky, very happy: the hard work I’ve been putting in to various areas of life is paying off. Yet with it also brings a tiredness.
When we push ourselves and meet goals, the rewards often come with a side serving of new ways to push ourselves, new goals to strive for. There’s a short gap in the in-between where we must remember to pause and celebrate - and we deserve to - but sometimes this pause can also allow us to fully feel the fallout of all the efforts we’ve been putting in. This doesn’t mean the tiredness in our muscles and mind is necessarily a bad thing. Just that we must remember to recognise and respect it, allow the tired to heal and preserve time to celebrate, before chasing down the next ambition.
So today I will be keeping the update short, as much a promise to you as well as me, so that I can retain my remaining energy for celebrations and relaxations.
Session Notes
🌖 The dusk-time walk was the perfect antidote to lift my tired soul and get me writing. Facing directly South during the walk, half the sky became the Sugar Plum Fairy and her pinks and purples dancing with the setting sun, and the other half was Sherlock Holmes with shady brown-blues and a rising moon. I felt entirely inspired by the time I came back to my desk. I can even see how these two characters are infusing onto the page.
🖼️ Used Pinterest to find an old book room vibe that could help me capture an image I was seeing in my head. Specifically, the living quarters of an older, eccentric gentleman. Below was the winner, heading in the right direction, just imagine more eclectic furniture piled high, a bench dotted with antique lamps which are never plugged in but always dusted, and a kitchenette in one corner with a single bed in the other, laden with additional bedding for their family member who sleeps on the couch.
✨ Future wish: enough time and courage to deep dive into Matthew Bourne’s The Nutcracker
Gosh, the number of times I had to stop myself writing more.
See you tomorrow <3